Category: Raw materials

Connection magazine

Fibreglass – Continuing to reinforce Australian composites

Fibreglass, or glass fibre reinforcement, is possibly the ultimate reinforcement material ever developed. Now, ninety years after its invention in 1932, I doubt whether its creators would have imagined the breadth of materials and applications in which fibreglass would be used.


Allnex launches POLYPLEX™ – a new polyester laminating resin for surfcraft

Allnex responded by introducing POLYPLEX SURFBOARD LAMINATING RESIN, a medium reactivity, orthophthalic-based unsaturated polyester resin, designed for use in FRP Surfboard constructions.

Polyplex™ has been specially formulated to provide rapid glass fibre wetting properties, low colour and rapid cure rates following gelation.

Connection magazine

allnex – Sovereign capability in polymer solutions

allnex – committed to the chemistry of the materials used for making thermosets – the properties, composition, behaviour and the changes that can be enabled to make step change composite products.

Aerospace & Defence

GMS Composites – Making resin systems for 50 years

“Australian made prepregs are increasingly a viable supply choice” says Sam. “We formulate and develop fibre reinforced custom prepreg systems that are engineered to meet specific needs and performance requirements.