‘LinkedIn Learning’ now features composite training videos

LinkedIn Learning is an online educational platform that hosts thousands of online courses and learning experiences which include some on composites manufacturing. 

Introduction to Composite Manufacturing – What is a composite?, is a series of short online tutorials designed for new workers and hobbyists. It teaches the fundamentals of composite manufacturing, including fibre and resin-based processes, and shows ways to detect and repair defects. Instructor Steven Marjieh reviews common composite materials, manufacturing methods, inspection methods, defect types, and repair options.

Additionally, Composite Design and Manufacturing is a three part series.

The first course (01:) covers composite material basics and carbon fibre manufacturing methodologies. Aram details carbon fibre as a material, how it’s manufactured, how it’s processed, and the different styles of manufacturing with it. 

The second course (02:) focuses on composite design configuration and simulation, showcasing a single-sided mould with wash-out tooling, a closed mould with a thermoplastic epoxy, and pre-preg materials.

The third course in the series presents the final design workflow management and the integration of supplemental component additions that affect the end-product production plan.