Standards, Certifications & Accreditations
Australian Standards Quality Endorsed - ISO9002 and INSPEC (EU) approvals
Safety Equipment Australia (The S.E.A. Group) is a leading name in respiratory protection. Established in 1984, the company imports and distributes renowned products such as Sundström respirators, Trellchem protective suits, Interspiro SCBA and Solo Rescue decontamination washers.
The Sydney premises comprise an engineering department, test laboratory, workshop, manufacturing, warehousing and more. The company conducts its own research into breathing physiology, individual mask fit testing and the interface between wearer and equipment. The human factor is paramount: a respirator must be fit for purpose and perfectly suited to human breathing – at real work, in the real workplace.
Safety Equipment Australia frequently develops its own new products, such as communication equipment and safety management software. One of the latest innovations is a real-time Respiratory Data Analyser, a device slated as an essential part of any sophisticated respiratory management program.
The company’s information material has become well-known for its quality and extent – especially in the field of training, where highly acclaimed educational programs are available free on-line and as smartphone apps.
S.E.A. is regularly consulted by various organisations in the field of breathing safety. It has long been a member of several standards committees, as well as the well-respected International Society for Respiratory Protection. The company takes an active part in university research into respiratory protection and played a major role in providing breathing protection to firefighters during last season’s Australian bushfire emergencies.
Safety Equipment Australia is ISO 9001:2015 accredited and holds SAI Global and INSPEC approvals.
Australian Standards Quality Endorsed - ISO9002 and INSPEC (EU) approvals