Member Benefits

A forum for the advancement of the Australian Composites industry

Tour of Compass Pools’ state-of-the-art production complex – Tomago, New South Wales

The association provides a forum for the industry to connect, develop partnerships, skills and knowledge and promote the development of new markets for composite products.

Composites Australia brings together fabricators, suppliers of raw materials and equipment, providers of services within the composites industry, educational institutions and students, other associations and government, research, and consulting groups.

Member benefits include:

Composites Australia is the recognised ‘Nominating Organisation’ for composite applications in Australian Standards within Australia. As a key player in the development and maintenance of standards for specific industries, Composites Australia ensures that the standards development process is informed by industry expertise. This guarantees that the resulting standards are both practical and beneficial for the industry, promoting consistency, safety, and quality in composite applications across Australia.


Composites Australia is a founding member of the global Composites Sustainability Coalition. This coalition focuses on advancing sustainable practices within the composites industry worldwide. As a founding member, Composites Australia is committed to promoting environmental responsibility, reducing waste, and improving the sustainability of composite materials and processes. This initiative fosters innovation and sustainability in the composites sector, with a clear goal of ensuring positive outcomes for the environment and the industry’s future.


Composites Australia is a founding member of the Manufacturing Industry Skills Alliance which was formed to address the skills needs of the manufacturing sector, ensuring a highly skilled and adaptable workforce. As a member, Composites Australia contributes to the development of training programs and initiatives that enhance the capabilities of professionals in the composites industry.