Composites Australia


Composites Australia exists to increase awareness of the capabilities of the Australian composites industry and the adoption of composites technologies by Australian manufacturers, engineers and designers.

A member-based organisation, we connect and support the development of the industry and facilitate collaboration with researchers.

Composites Australia provides a forum for the industry to exchange information and promote the development of new markets for composite products. We work to:

Professional development program

Our professional development program of technology workshops, seminars and forums draws on national and international expertise to:


For five decades, Composites Australia has been the voice and advocate for the Australian composites industry.

 Our historical environmental, health and safety advocacy on voluntary workplace standards influenced regulation of health risks in composites industry workplaces.

Our advocacy has paved the way for the recognition of composites the go-to material for the future of mobility and national security.

We have an ongoing commitment to existing standards and the development of new standards for composites in a vast array of end-use applications including pools, piping, tanks, building materials and civil infrastructure.

Composites Australia contributes towards Australia’s vocational education and training (VET) system to ensure that the training and qualification needs of industry are considered and addressed.

We advocate for manufacturing innovation through new knowledge to generate entirely new products, processes or services, or new technology to improve existing processes.  This has resulted in unprecedented levels of government investment in state-of-the-art research programs and facilities in Australian Universities.

Annual conference

Now in its 19th year, Australia’s leading Advancing Composites Innovation Conference is a flagship event for composite professionals. Advance your knowledge, networks and your business, by joining the conversation with industry leaders and researchers at the forefront of new and emerging trends, science and materials. Presentations also feature solutions to the practical challenges encountered in business and manufacturing.

To find out more about the 2024 Conference and to register, click the button below.