Promoting & Connecting

the Australian Composites Industry

Innomerix Tech event
Unlocking the future of advanced thermoplastic compounds and manufacturing techniques
Click Here for more information
Colan Australia Celebrates 70 Years of Manufacturing Excellence
Colan Australia, the country’s sovereign manufacturer of engineered industrial textiles, celebrated its 70th anniversary.
Click Here to download
Issue 66 of the Connection magazine is now available.
Creativity, innovation and ingenuity take centre stage in this edition, showcasing how composites drive advancements across diverse industries.
Click Here to download
Issue 65 of the Connection magazine is now available.
This edition features sovereign manufacturing of products for the residential building & renovation industry.
Click Here to download
Issue 64 of the Connection magazine is now available.
This edition features sovereign manufacturing of composite components for heavy transport.
Click Here to download
Looking to source products or capabilities?
This comprehensive databank connects buyers with companies that manufacture or fabricate a product or components; provide commercial or consulting services including training and education, and/or supply materials and equipment....
Start sourcing

Who we are

Composites Australia exists to increase awareness of the capabilities of the Australian composites industry and the adoption of composites technologies by Australian manufacturers, engineers and designers.

A member-based organisation, we connect and support the development of the industry and facilitate collaboration with researchers.

Composites Australia provides a forum for the industry to exchange information and promote the development of new markets for composite products.

You can search for fabricators, manufacturers, institutions, services, materials and equipment by clicking the link below.


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